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UMOVA Notice

Official Notice of Election for Military and Overseas Voters Philadelphia County

2024 General Election

November 5, 2024

2024 Special Election UMOVA Notice

This is an official notice of a General Election to be conducted on November 5, 2024 in all Election Districts within Philadelphia County. You may register to vote and request an official absentee ballot by using the Federal Postcard Application (FPCA), available at, or download here: Download Fillable FPCA *

This application is acceptable for General, Primary, and Special elections for which you are eligible in that calendar year alone. We recommend you send in a new FPCA every January and each time you move.

You may apply for an absentee ballot by submitting your FPCA by fax to (215) 686-3398, or by email to You may request an absentee ballot from this office at any time prior to a primary or general election.

All voted Military and Civilian Overseas Absentee Ballots must be mailed back, along with the voter’s declaration, no later than 11:59 pm on the day before the election and must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than the Tuesday following the election.

If time does not permit you to receive and return an official absentee ballot and you have already applied for an absentee ballot, you are also entitled to vote using the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). Military electors may also use the FWAB to register to vote and vote simultaneously.

You may use the FWAB to vote for ALL state and local offices, and ballot initiatives.

To vote for state and local offices or for ballot initiatives, write the names of candidates or ballot initiatives in the Addendum section of the FWAB. Under the Office/Ballot Initiative heading, enter the office the candidate is running for or the title of the Ballot Initiative (referendum). Under the Candidate Name, Party Affiliation, or Initiative Vote heading, list the name of the candidate you wish to vote for, or if you are voting on a Referendum question write “yes” or “no.”

  • PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES – Vote for the candidates of one party for President and Vice-President, or insert the names of candidates – All Precincts within Philadelphia County
  • UNITED STATES SENATOR – Vote for One – All Precincts within Philadelphia County
  • ATTORNEY GENERAL – Vote for One – All Precincts within Philadelphia County
  • AUDITOR GENERAL – Vote for One – All Precincts within Philadelphia County
  • STATE TREASURER – Vote for One – All Precincts within Philadelphia County
  • REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS – Vote for One – by Congressional District
  • SENATOR IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Odd-numbered districts only) – Vote for One – by Senatorial District
  • REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY – Vote for One – by Representative District